lunedì 31 dicembre 2012

1st Jan 1956

Full details of the day 1/1 1956 /
12-31-2012 01:13 AM
Report of: Fatima Ahmdon:

Saw 1/1/1956 generator Sudan and convergence bilateral scientific judgment who remained Arverwan in our country since the third of September 1898 after the defeat of the army of Mahdia in repeat and raise the flag of Sudan on 1/1/1956 in a formal ceremony inside the Saraya unprecedented, and a popular concert in the field of Kitchener did not witness history has ever seen in that great day was heroic Sudanese people repeated firmly: raise the banner of independence day ... And lined generator history of our people ... My brethren sang for us ..

Previously generator state Sudan Independent lot of important events of the agreement between Britain and Egypt in 1953 and which states that decide Sudan determination by an elected Constituent Assembly to choose between full independence and the link with Egypt and the Sudanese government transition to provide air neutral free to self-determination, and demonstrated Psodna jobs, which was occupied by British and Egyptian officials, in addition to the evacuation of British and Egyptian troops that have been stationed since 1898.

Days passed, and implemented the Convention strictly implemented, and August 16, 1955 Parliament adopted a resolution requesting the evacuation of foreign troops from Sudan and plans to self-determination through a referendum instead of a Constituent Assembly as stipulated agreement Sudan, and this was the decision was taken under the guidance of Mr. Ali Mirghani leader Khatmiyya and blessed Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi, leader Ansar sect, and shortly after the agreement published today news that sent the reporter (Thames) in Cairo that the new agreement authorizes the International Committee to cancel the self-determination process or delay also gives states of the Condominium right not تعترفا will Sudanese only after negotiating with representatives of the Sudanese parliament on ending the rule of bilateral and so were the States of bilateral government had already provided the idea of
​​self-determination in the existing parliament and took the Sudanese parties will hold meetings in order to form the transitional government.

The resignation of the Governor-General

In the meantime, the State Department announced that the British governor-general of Sudan Sir Knox so had decided to resign from his post for personal reasons and that Britain is not about to appoint Governor-General and it was negotiating with the Egyptian government has benefited our parties at the time of this position and declared all presidents and party leaders about their desire to full independence.

Instant recognition

In historic day 1/1/1956 At (53) stop Prime Minister Ismail Al-Azhari and asked permission to read the letters that he received from each delegate from the British government and the Egyptian.

Abdel Nasser's speech Azhari

Mr. Prime Minister of the Government of Sudan

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

The Egyptian government pursuant intentions by avowing them and sense that struggled for him to achieve the freedom of the Sudanese people immediately declare recognition Sudan an independent sovereign state, has issued the Egyptian government for this attached declaration adopted behalf of Mr. Alomerlaa Staff Abdel Fattah Hassan, I am honored on behalf of myself and turn for the Egyptian government to extend to you my sincere congratulations to this immortal day in the history of Sudan and pray to God to repay his footsteps in the present and the future.

Yours sincere affection and respect

Gamal Abdel Nasser - the Prime Minister of the Government of Egypt

Also followed leader Ismail Azhari attached declaration with the speech, which was read as follows:

(In response to the decision taken by the Sudanese parliament on 19 December 1955 in which he declared that the Sudan an independent sovereign state with effect from the date of the first of January 1956.

The hopes of the Republic of Egypt in the time recognizing the independence of Sudan, to continue care conventions and held by the two States Department of bilateral and agreed to be applied to Sudan and would be pleased to support the Sudanese government, also requests the Republic of Egypt to cooperate with the Sudanese government in all steps necessary to liquidation of bilateral Sudan).


Gamal Abdel Nasser

Also followed leader Ismail Azhari British speech recognition, which reads as follows:

(His Excellency Mr. Ismail Al-Azhari

Received Government of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parliament resolution Sudanese has become an independent state and for which the states of the Condominium to admit it immediately and answer to this demand has authorized me the UK government that inform you that we recognize today's date that Sudan could become a free, independent, sovereign, While advance this proposal trust in the United Kingdom that the Government of Sudan will continue to implement the conventions and treaties concluded behalf by and applied to the Sudan by my own judgment duo also hopes the British government to cooperate with the Government of Sudan in all the steps required to liquidate the judgment duo - with sincere appreciation and respect) .

Signed: Selwyn Lloyd

After that followed leader Azhari this recognition and speech Abdel Nasser said (I would like the Council and the public to suspend simple what I read now is from the end of this session and begin to exercise the special powers in foreign affairs and that was by virtue of the provisions of the constitution and autonomy previous previous conditions of jurisdiction of the Governor-General, and will extend to the British and Egyptian governments request to identify those treaties and conventions to which he referred in a speech recognition before we give our commitment and we will esteemed Council statement).

Science Sudan flutters

In the ninth hour and the second minute of Sunday morning the first in January 1956 began note governance bilateral landing of Sarathma for the last time in fully ninth fourth minute of the same day Al-settled science Sudan at the top of communicable flying alone, was jointly sedan Ismail Azhari and Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub in Sudanese flag.

Voices of Representatives

In sharp eleventh hour and quarter voices of Representatives in force and vigor and esteem declare the independence of Sudan when asked President proposal to a vote, I went out the word yes strong Dawih recorded beginning a new history and the birth of a free nation shattered odds and emerged victorious from the battle of liberation and reverberated balconies applause Subscribe where everyone even foreigners, while the Council Chamber abuzz with joy began defender abroad send missiles and resounds like thunder in front of the defense force has turned the masses of people around cheering and clapping and shouting and then present a proposal the composition of the committee five to exercise powers of the head of State, Vogiz proposal unanimously and passed the proposal by the Constituent Assembly The meeting adjourned at twelve o'clock and accept Parliament the government and opposition to greet each other, and accept visitors, led by foreign exchange congratulations and then everyone mingled with MPs in Parliament Square in the festival of joy and elation.

Historic procession

The session ended historical and walked the procession from Parliament House to Saraya Governor General and enrolled members of the government and the opposition and government ministers and supporters behind them and are met on the other side and ministers shadow and opposition supporters in the gardens Serail stop Messrs. Ali Mirghani and Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi and senior civil servants are viewing celebrate the Sudanese people per day historical and how down police scientific states bilateral judgment and Slmoheme to delegates from the two countries.

Tears men

Between independence slogans and public acclaim tears overflowed Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi joy after the check Sudan's full independence and sovereignty advocated by the leader of Ansar head of the Umma Party, and the situation was the size of the tears and shared many tears as an expression of joy and how much is men's tears expensive.

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