lunedì 31 dicembre 2012

1st Jan 1956

Full details of the day 1/1 1956 /
12-31-2012 01:13 AM
Report of: Fatima Ahmdon:

Saw 1/1/1956 generator Sudan and convergence bilateral scientific judgment who remained Arverwan in our country since the third of September 1898 after the defeat of the army of Mahdia in repeat and raise the flag of Sudan on 1/1/1956 in a formal ceremony inside the Saraya unprecedented, and a popular concert in the field of Kitchener did not witness history has ever seen in that great day was heroic Sudanese people repeated firmly: raise the banner of independence day ... And lined generator history of our people ... My brethren sang for us ..

Previously generator state Sudan Independent lot of important events of the agreement between Britain and Egypt in 1953 and which states that decide Sudan determination by an elected Constituent Assembly to choose between full independence and the link with Egypt and the Sudanese government transition to provide air neutral free to self-determination, and demonstrated Psodna jobs, which was occupied by British and Egyptian officials, in addition to the evacuation of British and Egyptian troops that have been stationed since 1898.

Days passed, and implemented the Convention strictly implemented, and August 16, 1955 Parliament adopted a resolution requesting the evacuation of foreign troops from Sudan and plans to self-determination through a referendum instead of a Constituent Assembly as stipulated agreement Sudan, and this was the decision was taken under the guidance of Mr. Ali Mirghani leader Khatmiyya and blessed Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi, leader Ansar sect, and shortly after the agreement published today news that sent the reporter (Thames) in Cairo that the new agreement authorizes the International Committee to cancel the self-determination process or delay also gives states of the Condominium right not تعترفا will Sudanese only after negotiating with representatives of the Sudanese parliament on ending the rule of bilateral and so were the States of bilateral government had already provided the idea of
​​self-determination in the existing parliament and took the Sudanese parties will hold meetings in order to form the transitional government.

The resignation of the Governor-General

In the meantime, the State Department announced that the British governor-general of Sudan Sir Knox so had decided to resign from his post for personal reasons and that Britain is not about to appoint Governor-General and it was negotiating with the Egyptian government has benefited our parties at the time of this position and declared all presidents and party leaders about their desire to full independence.

Instant recognition

In historic day 1/1/1956 At (53) stop Prime Minister Ismail Al-Azhari and asked permission to read the letters that he received from each delegate from the British government and the Egyptian.

Abdel Nasser's speech Azhari

Mr. Prime Minister of the Government of Sudan

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

The Egyptian government pursuant intentions by avowing them and sense that struggled for him to achieve the freedom of the Sudanese people immediately declare recognition Sudan an independent sovereign state, has issued the Egyptian government for this attached declaration adopted behalf of Mr. Alomerlaa Staff Abdel Fattah Hassan, I am honored on behalf of myself and turn for the Egyptian government to extend to you my sincere congratulations to this immortal day in the history of Sudan and pray to God to repay his footsteps in the present and the future.

Yours sincere affection and respect

Gamal Abdel Nasser - the Prime Minister of the Government of Egypt

Also followed leader Ismail Azhari attached declaration with the speech, which was read as follows:

(In response to the decision taken by the Sudanese parliament on 19 December 1955 in which he declared that the Sudan an independent sovereign state with effect from the date of the first of January 1956.

The hopes of the Republic of Egypt in the time recognizing the independence of Sudan, to continue care conventions and held by the two States Department of bilateral and agreed to be applied to Sudan and would be pleased to support the Sudanese government, also requests the Republic of Egypt to cooperate with the Sudanese government in all steps necessary to liquidation of bilateral Sudan).


Gamal Abdel Nasser

Also followed leader Ismail Azhari British speech recognition, which reads as follows:

(His Excellency Mr. Ismail Al-Azhari

Received Government of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parliament resolution Sudanese has become an independent state and for which the states of the Condominium to admit it immediately and answer to this demand has authorized me the UK government that inform you that we recognize today's date that Sudan could become a free, independent, sovereign, While advance this proposal trust in the United Kingdom that the Government of Sudan will continue to implement the conventions and treaties concluded behalf by and applied to the Sudan by my own judgment duo also hopes the British government to cooperate with the Government of Sudan in all the steps required to liquidate the judgment duo - with sincere appreciation and respect) .

Signed: Selwyn Lloyd

After that followed leader Azhari this recognition and speech Abdel Nasser said (I would like the Council and the public to suspend simple what I read now is from the end of this session and begin to exercise the special powers in foreign affairs and that was by virtue of the provisions of the constitution and autonomy previous previous conditions of jurisdiction of the Governor-General, and will extend to the British and Egyptian governments request to identify those treaties and conventions to which he referred in a speech recognition before we give our commitment and we will esteemed Council statement).

Science Sudan flutters

In the ninth hour and the second minute of Sunday morning the first in January 1956 began note governance bilateral landing of Sarathma for the last time in fully ninth fourth minute of the same day Al-settled science Sudan at the top of communicable flying alone, was jointly sedan Ismail Azhari and Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub in Sudanese flag.

Voices of Representatives

In sharp eleventh hour and quarter voices of Representatives in force and vigor and esteem declare the independence of Sudan when asked President proposal to a vote, I went out the word yes strong Dawih recorded beginning a new history and the birth of a free nation shattered odds and emerged victorious from the battle of liberation and reverberated balconies applause Subscribe where everyone even foreigners, while the Council Chamber abuzz with joy began defender abroad send missiles and resounds like thunder in front of the defense force has turned the masses of people around cheering and clapping and shouting and then present a proposal the composition of the committee five to exercise powers of the head of State, Vogiz proposal unanimously and passed the proposal by the Constituent Assembly The meeting adjourned at twelve o'clock and accept Parliament the government and opposition to greet each other, and accept visitors, led by foreign exchange congratulations and then everyone mingled with MPs in Parliament Square in the festival of joy and elation.

Historic procession

The session ended historical and walked the procession from Parliament House to Saraya Governor General and enrolled members of the government and the opposition and government ministers and supporters behind them and are met on the other side and ministers shadow and opposition supporters in the gardens Serail stop Messrs. Ali Mirghani and Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi and senior civil servants are viewing celebrate the Sudanese people per day historical and how down police scientific states bilateral judgment and Slmoheme to delegates from the two countries.

Tears men

Between independence slogans and public acclaim tears overflowed Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi joy after the check Sudan's full independence and sovereignty advocated by the leader of Ansar head of the Umma Party, and the situation was the size of the tears and shared many tears as an expression of joy and how much is men's tears expensive.

mercoledì 7 novembre 2012

If died Omar Albshir no grief over his death.

Omar Hassan al-Bashir

11-07-2012 01:18 AM
Abdulwahab wrote Hemmat

According to some sources that medical tests conducted to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in the military hospital Specialist in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia midday on Tuesday had indicated some doubts in the sample taken from shaving President For further ensure been sent sample to the city of Hanover in Germany . And it is expected the arrival of the test result in a period of not more than three days.
On the other hand broadcast and various news media in Sudan, said the president had held a small operation, but did not address the other details

If died Omar Albshir no grief over his death

lunedì 1 ottobre 2012


الرئيس يوجه بتصدير الذرة للجنوب فوراً .... سألتقي قادة المعارضة ولا فيتو لنا على عقار والحلو

10-01-2012 03:33 PM
أعلن رئيس الجمهورية المشير عمر البشير أنه وجه بتصدير الذرة الى دولة جنوب السودان فورا، مشيراً الى أنه سيلتقي قادة المعارضة خلال الأيام القادمة لإطلاعهم على نتائج مفاوضات أديس أبابا مع دولة جنوب السودان وقال الرئيس: (لا نعرف شيئا اسمه قطاع الشمال وملتزمون ببحث قضايا المنطقتين أي النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان مع ممثلي المنطقتين وهذا ما أقرته الآلية رفيعة المستوى التى تقود الوساطة ) وقال الرئيس كذلك: (لا فيتو لنا على عبد العزيز الحلو أو مالك عقار إن كانا يمثلان منطقتيهما ونالا تفويضا بتمثيل تلك المناطق)
وجدد الرئيس فى حديث خاص لـ (السودانى) مساء امس إنهم حريصون على إنفاذ كافة الاتفاقات التى أبرمت مع دولة الجنوب وأنه سيتابع شخصيا وعبر نوابه ومساعديه ضمان حسن تنفيذ كل ما يلي السودان فى تلك الاتفاقيات.
ووجه رئيس الجمهورية بفتح باب التصدير لمحصول الذرة الى جنوب السودان فورا. وقال الرئيس لـ(السوداني) إن إجراءات التصدير ستبدأ دون انتظار الترتيبات الخاصة بإنفاذ الاتفاقات التى وقعت مع حكومة الجنوب، موضحا أن الخطوة تأتي تجسيدا لحسن النية وتأكيدا لجدية السودان فى الالتزام بما تعاهد عليه مع جنوب السودان وحتى يلمس المواطنون من الجانبين نتائج الاتفاق ويجنون ثمراته فى أسرع فرصة ممكنة.
الى ذلك أكد الرئيس أنه سيلتقي خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة بقادة المعارضة وممثليها لإطلاعهم على نتائج مفاوضات أديس أبابا مع حكومة جنوب السودان وتمليكهم الوثائق كافة التى تمخضت عن تلك المفاوضات لتحقيق أكبر قدر من الإجماع القومي حول هذه الاتفاقيات.


sabato 18 agosto 2012

Ramdan feast

كل عام واتتم بخير اعادة اللة عليكم بالرحمة والبركة٠٠٠عبدالعظيم
Happy Ramadan feast for all friends
Buona festa di Ramdan per tutti l'amici

giovedì 16 agosto 2012

Free Prisoners.

Campaign to free prisoners

08-16-2012 09:36 AM

Thanks Alhurra and host of "Eye on Democracy" Mr. Mohammed Yahyai and program staff for their interest in media coverage of Sudan and detained. The program did not allow time to cover all these points separately Sanscherha:
All whose names are mentioned in the meeting were arrested precautionary arrests have been arrested in a demonstration - but from their places of work or home.
I mentioned the names of the other prisoners are just as important as any prison, but received no reports have confirmed that they are subjected to torture, Mohammad Salah - Omar Siraj - Sadiq cycle - Bakri Ajmi - activities Lome

Arrest of activists of the episode:

Mohammed Hassan Mahdi, also known as Muhammad Bean was arrested at his sister's house and security forces raided the apartment and took two computers and one of its jurisdiction and the other sister B_khas - editor in chief of Al-Ahram public Do it today against inflammatory articles Rouge because Mohammed bean is the main engine of events

He had appeared in a video recorded on a Friday lick elbow - Security allowed the mother to visit him only once and avoid a request made by days ago and was taken to Cooper in the "treatment" has not yet been charged.

Nahed Jabr God arrested arrested a precaution, and his health is critical to the recovery period of the process makes it difficult to move - has not been charged with her until now - his colleague Faisal HBO in custody was arrested by his job

Jalila Khamis Coco - from inside his tree house district - Khartoum in March, one of the areas of SPLM in the North - and even the same part Kebedh high in April and was released July 28 - Adam Nematt arrested from his home of Kosti -

Mohammed Hassan al-boushi - from inside his home in Khartoum Bahri and his mother were beaten and is trying to prevent his arrest and clashed with prison guards and tortured on the track and was taken to hospital - against him was not loaded until now

Amira Usman Hamid - arrested June 22 for a day and then she and her sister have been released and re-arrested on June 27 and transferred to Omdurman prison and tortured - not allowed to visit his family has not been charged so far

Marwa al-Tijani - arrested with journalist freed Shaimaa Adel, Yusra Mahdi - Shaimaa Adel released and deported to his country's presidential jet and daughters are still being held in detention camps - there are no statements of this situation Marwa evil and subjected to torture

Radwan Daoud - Khartoum and members of his family. Against him and nine others accused of treason and conspiracy to overthrow the regime - the question was his weak and conflicting witness statements - adult brother Sufian led tortured to admit psychiatric hospital - said in one of the sessions that interrogators threatened physical liquidation and rape - session yesterday Kkant defense and judgment in the process of Santq July 13 - and the letter sent from prison to be proud that he was the first person in the revolution and the contract Manwighth high

Rachida Shamsuddin - arrested twice - in mid-June and again Yum arrested June 24 by Dar Al-Haqq - his family has not been allowed to visit and went on strike for food for a month and his life is in danger

• Political prisoners are held in buildings security services - is transferred to Kober prison for family visits and then bring them back to the locations of new

• Some of the detainees were transferred to the processing department and Cooper has refused requests from families to meet their children

• was detained for prolonged for more than a month without taking them to trial or the charges against them - they have no legal representation or lawyers

• some of them were transferred to the prison in Port Sudan in the pavilion under the management of the hull inform families of their safety (Munzer Abu Excellence - bright Hajj)

• There Taatotaim media events

• Sudanese to defend the rights and freedoms estimated that the number of detainees would be 2000 - but there is a difficulty in determining the number of released detainees and especially of unknown or activists outside Khartoum

• Peak arrest Friday (elbow Pussy), which coincides with the anniversary of 24 to save others - thousands of demonstrators prayer in the mosque Wad Nobawi.

• the largest number of women in prison one day was a Friday "Alkendakh" in the July 1

• arbitrary arrest any person who is in a place of public events or public transport or neighborhoods adjacent to the mosque and Dr. Nobawi without exception

• the release of a large number of detainees and detention of politicians after their skin, or pushed to a fine

• detention due to speak to the media: Omar Kamal head of the Popular Congress Party after the announcement of its participation in the opposite direction - Osama Muhammad Ali - song does not belong to any political party - is held from June 22, the second day of Join Fido Al Jazeera explains the reason for participation in events

• breaking into houses to arrest activists and repeat are called more than once

• the threat of defamation and rape

• Within activists arrested when attending a process Radwan Daoud - held for hours

• the torture of detainees in the prison of Kassala and depriving them of sleep and food, held in solitary confinement

Women in youth movements:

• Saber Rama was arrested July 15 - a student at the University of 'unknown island prison for distributing leaflets and tried the text of Article 63, which criminalizes opposition to the government has paid a fine of one thousand pounds . (Farraj Rama after)

• allow a spark Abdullah arrested July 5 and was released July 28 - did not allow his family visited - pillows Osman, Dad Darwish from Girifna group arrested with a group Radwan Daoud and offered to try and dropped them charges July 27 - within the same business group never threatened his family not to talk to the media or release your application)

Situation in Omdurman prison for women

• There is no good food or clean water or what you have women in the period of the month

• Do not provide the necessary medical care to those who hunger wrought

• the declarations received by former prisoners, try some of the detainees to commit suicide because of psychological and physical torture - not the prison authorities to take any action

• visits sometimes accepted and sometimes rejected - there is no system or table

The effort to free prisoners

• Communicate with international organizations with regard to the detainees and job listings updated their status is released

• work for video interviews with the families of detainees and detention and spread widely

• collect signatures on petitions demanding the release of prisoners and tackle the state (Hadi Mahmoud Kassala brought his release - Mohammed Salah work in progress)

• lawyers submitted a petition to the Presidential Palace for detainees July 17

• organized a protest in front of the security services buildings was attended by families of detainees and detention centers were arrested activists and activists who participated in the vigil

• Order campaigns on social networks - NCIT more than a group that collects information about the detainees

• visit the families of detainees

Halima Hassan Omar - came out the same from Mahgrha after a rubber bullet in the July 10 event at the University of Shambat

Sarah Hassabo - security personnel attacked congratulate released in the process of Radwan Daoud.

mercoledì 15 agosto 2012

Alnil Alzrag: Roseris Dam and Blue Nile State ...............???...

Alnil Alzrag: Roseris Dam and Blue Nile State ...............???...: Roseris Dam Blue Nile State ....No benifit from ramp tank Roseires people are crying 0...

Roseris Dam and Blue Nile State ...............????

Roseris Dam

Blue Nile State ....No benifit from ramp tank Roseires people are crying

08-15-2012 09:25 AM
Abdel Rahman Nour El-Tom Permanent

** In the dramatic developments of the repercussions of the tragedy of the victims of ramp tank Roseires, issued Dams Implementation Unit represented by the Office of Social Affairs, guidance and strict orders to the affected people on the shores of East and West to attend immediately to the city of Damazin to receive Acodat ((home)) Sorry ((huts))
* These developments come at a time where the state heavy rain hampered the movement in different areas, and began to fall early and it is clear indicators continue for months,
The questions are urged to impose themselves why not go to the staff management of dams in the affected villages and Moagahm??
And take care of the costs of deportation to Damazin and bring them back to their villages??
Is it provided them with temporary headquarters to stay until the completion of extradition proceedings Acodathm??
Regrettably, the citizens of the newcomer who began arriving to to Damazin forced since the third of Aug. 2012, suffering great hardship, where crowding in the neighborhood of the Renaissance and near a mosque Renaissance antique amid Berkoratih sterile, where he received a number of people affected so-called Balacodat, in addition to the amount (500 ) pounds, and a gas cylinder and (9) kilo sugar and (9) pounds of cooking oil and Baku tea.
Landry and if this is all that was waiting for affected since August 2008??
Is this the night of much-heralded by the President of the Republic the citizens of South tank??
Appears to have turned into a night of treachery, betrayal and overthrow all the hopes and aspirations of those affected.
The most important of all these questions is the fact that these cities are the cities where all available basic services and thus eligible to receive citizens???
Whether buildings comply with the specifications and locations that you choose for a convicted valid??
Was the choice to consult the people of respect and approval of the civil administration??
* Through our surveys and field information is available from the sites of events we can say with confidence and fill the mouth that these (cities Alpha missed) are not eligible to receive citizens now, where the toilets ready nor walls nor Hichen (for cottages) and pure water is sufficient, not even electricity provided all sites, in addition to that most of the majority of these sites are now submerged in the waters of heavy rains recently witnessed by the state.
This is the main reason for not opening offices in new locations to complete the extradition proceedings affected Acodathm,
Despite all this, and a humiliation and insult, ask the affected people in the last paragraph of Alacodat they were forced to sign to evacuate their old homes in the old villages within fifteen days from the date of signing the contract, read with me this last paragraph.
((I, the above is voluntary and optional with all my will and regarded as religiously and legally I have received and approved the house above the old village house Bakhlaúa Alkadih within five ten days of its history and I take all legal responsibility in case of breach of this))
In fact there is no who gets the house before signing the contract, and there is no free will or voluntarily, I do not think that can evacuate the affected sites of old within the fifteen days provided for in this contract, especially at this time exactly where the fall and heavy rains.
This means that there are (a catastrophe) a real unexpected in light of current data, where he became all the citizens of Aerdibat and Alrguibh and Singa Nabq and the paths of arrivals and Magnza and an authentic and Shira barrage and Abu apical and Abu Hanina and Amrdlo and Rapa ..... etc and customized them to cities (8,9,10, 11.12) on the western bank of the Blue Nile,
As well as the citizens of Bishan and vine, Dakhla and Miloh, and the battery and and part of the Miloh, and Dalmahi and Alsrivh and Abu Dgarin, and Mharibh, Abu-Shandi (Xiahe Adam Qppadu) and Abu Shandi Creek Canna and Abu Shishi and final or shutter in the cities (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7) on the east bank, have become all in the wind between the hammer and the anvil of the management of dams drowning waters of the reservoir will close its doors in the first two weeks of September, and now are crying,
* The strangest paragraphs in the contract delivery obligations under the third paragraph:
((Save the houses built in good condition of internal reform and external, and that preserves the beauty of their appearance outside and take into account at all times regulations buildings, health and any other regulations local and restore at his own expense of such buildings and restored in case of any destroyed or cracked or collapsed))
* First, these homes lacking any appearance of an aesthetic external or internal even be preserved, and this is the reason for what appears in this fence and the ring media milled, where deliberately services official government not to publish pictures of the residential buildings and only just buildings official of schools and health centers, mosques and courts because it is built better than the homes of citizens.
* Second, the regulations demanded by the Execution Unit of dams and the Office of Social Affairs and their management of legal, need to be taken into account at all times, you were taken into account by them as an official??
* Third, there are homes broken down by the receipt, however, took place on the affected received in good condition and legal department know that fraud is not this a given?? !!!!
* With the latest developments and acceleration in the field expressed the citizens of Dr. Mahi and other areas on the banks of the Eastern and Western dissatisfaction and their refusal to fully attend to Damazin to receive contracts for non-completion of basic services, announced the citizens who spoke to us directly from Dr. Mahi they will Ihdhun example Manaseer and struggling in every way to extract their legitimate rights and owed, and demanding the completion of all the services first, and it seems that this information and this position has been reached in and some way to the highest levels of leadership in Khartoum, where, according to sources that there are contacts between Buale state Maj. Gen. Hadi human to explore the situation, where dispatched his deputy, a week ago to the Eastern Province and returned from Village (1.2) where not penetrate to the inside, and there is a tendency for the visit of a delegation from the Legislative Council but do not expect to visit them any positive results, while yelling the affected and appealing presidential republic to intervene to redress.
* Unfortunately, the very one intervene to stop this chaos and tampering with the destiny of the citizens and wasting their legitimate rights, where watching the governor Pacific human and the Legislative Council and the civil administration, and the citizens massacred from vein to vein, and management of dams and Osama Abdullah and Urban exploit the simplicity of the citizens and their need to pass their agenda malware.
Therefore we call on the honorable people of the state at home and abroad to build the case and the composition of the Committee and the mechanism of specialists and experts, and escalation to the highest levels internally and externally, as to what is going on all accounts is a violation Srih and flagrant human rights, and organized looting of the wealth and earnings and the rights of the people of the state, and we appeal affected by steadfastness and not to succumb to the pressure, and management of dams warn of the consequences of continuing with this approach because of the disaster on the doors.

The Funj Refugees association ask you to donate 5$ for the medicin and so me help for the refugees of the Blue Nile State please use this IBAN :-
IBAN IT 25 E 36000 03200 0CA005733249
Thanks for your help.

venerdì 10 agosto 2012

Justice and Equality.

Declared a state of emergency works to arrest him. Justice and Equality Movement in Darfur accused of conspiring with the commander of its forces in Khartoum and Chad

«Jibril Ibrahim»

08-10-2012 02:01 AM
London: Mustafa secret

In a striking development exempted Justice and Equality Movement, the largest rebel movements in Darfur, the Commander in Chief of its forces Bakheet Abdullah Abdul Karim, alias «Dabjo» from office, and accused him, led a conspiracy against the movement and the Alliance of the Revolutionary Front, in conjunction with intelligence governments of Sudan and Chad, and took the head of the movement Dr. Jibril, the position of Commander in Chief while assigned to the last, at a time in which he announced the ruling party in Khartoum to get peace at any price means war.

The President of the Movement by Dr. Jibril Ibrahim in a statement received by «Middle East» a copy of it, a decision to exempt the commander of his forces Bakheet Abdullah Abdul-Karim (Dabjo) as of yesterday, agreed that the head of the movement which is at the same time, the Supreme Commander, served as Commander in Chief to pending the appointment of an alternative, and shall be considered the most serious since the death of the Movement Dr. Khalil Ibrahim in late December (December) the past in North Kordofan, is not known whether this decision will lead to split the movement and the military confrontation between the parties or that the actions taken can lead to contain the situation.

For his part, said Advisor to the President of movement for Media Affairs Mahjoub Hussein told «Middle East», The Commander in Chief of Army movement, who has been discharged was driving the plot shared with intelligence governments of Sudan and Chad, and added that the movement through the monitoring of informational discovered that the pilot year was to work within a cell closed led by the Head of Security and Intelligence Sudanese Mohammed Atta, and Minister of State at the presidential palace by Dr. Amin Hassan Omar, Minister of Health, Bahar Idriss Abu Garda leader of the Liberation Movement and Justice, said that the goal was to split the movement, the Revolutionary Front, pointing out that Dabjo was driving consultations with a number of cadres of the movement to construct described and weaken the alliance Revolutionary Front, which includes along with the Justice and Equality movements SLA factions of Minni Arko Minawi and Abdul Wahid Mohammed Nur, and the SPLM in the north of Sudan, adding that the head of the movement as the Supreme Commander will assume the post of Commander in Chief, and that he is holding consultations within the Movement and with factions, the Revolutionary Front for dealing with new developments.

Hussein said that the group declared a state of emergency within its ranks, and that its army will arrest the Commander in Chief who has been discharged, and added: «Dabjo now in Darfur has received money from Khartoum and N'Djamena, will not be able to face our forces; because those with it's simple, representing his bodyguards». He said: «can be arrested and will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of motion of the Interior, and sure enough it does not have a military force, saying», diminishing the effect of exempting the Commander in Chief in the movement politically and militarily, and said: «will not affect our political and military, on the contrary, the movement recover from such plots and intrigues ». He added that the secrets held by the Commander in Chief has been dealing with it, and it will not harm the strategy of the movement of political and military, which has taken its leadership arrangements of the four days before, and continued: «If it is not arrested it is certain that he will arrive in Khartoum to start a series of selling the issue of his family and the marginalized, and manages to work against resistance forces, but it will be useful ».

Middle East

giovedì 9 agosto 2012

Alnil Alzrag: South Sudan and Blue Nile Province.

Alnil Alzrag: South Sudan and Blue Nile Province.: Western Report: U.S. to secure the deal (3) billion dollars for Sudan 08-09-2012 11:53 AM Machar: the oil to create a gap of $ 12 billi...

South Sudan and Blue Nile Province.

Western Report: U.S. to secure the deal (3) billion dollars for Sudan

08-09-2012 11:53 AM

Machar: the oil to create a gap of $ 12 billion
Khartoum: Hamad Al-Tahir: London
Newspaper «Financial Times» The British, the United States wants China and Arab states to help secure the three billion dollars in a deal for Sudan for the resumption of oil production in southern Sudan, and so to avoid embarrassment due to U.S. sanctions on Khartoum. While the description of the National Congress, the position of the U.S. administration last towards the oil b »Tactical« as affected by the lock oil, demanded the government of the south part of the international community to assist them in the gap created by the oil last, estimated at approximately $ 12 billion, and confirmed its commitment to the agreement, noting that it »welcome to buy peace and win the good-neighborliness with Sudan.

She said the British newspaper yesterday, said that Sudan and South Sudan have reached an agreement last Saturday paid under the last $ 11 to Sudan for every barrel of oil issued through pipelines, and the payment of about $ 3.2 billion to Khartoum to meet the funding gap resulting from the separation from the north last year after decades of war eligibility.

She added that this agreement will leave Khartoum in need of another three billion dollars over three years and six months to compensate for the loss of revenue from oil-rich south.

The United States is able to provide the amount of three billion dollars because of the sanctions imposed on Khartoum, but mediators and diplomats confirmed that it plans to encourage other donors to intervene to secure the Hmaalamblg for waiving the sanctions that affect the transfer of the dollar.

The paper says: «The oil agreement that is being done between the parties will be part of a package deal including a settlement of the issue of the disputed area of
​​Abyei, in addition to the issues of security and citizenship, and then pumping oil».

The newspaper quoted a Western diplomat described Balbarz saying: «There are two things who are sought by Khartoum out of the oil with South Sudan, the first concerted effort by the international community to secure billions of the three required, particularly China and Arab countries, and the lifting of sanctions imposed on it».

She noted that officials from the African Union helped broker a deal last Saturday, he stressed that Khartoum «insists that the United States in turn, to encourage other countries to contribute to securing the required amount».
For its part, demanded the government of the south part of the international community to assist them in the gap created by the recent oil deal, estimated at approximately $ 12 billion.


Please donnate for the Refgees of The Blue Nile Province in South Sudan through :-

IBAN IT 25 E 36000 03200 0CA005733249

Thank for your hospitality.

Blue Nile province and South Sudan.

We are the largest donors to the face of the earth to one country is Sudan, Juba: invite the international community to give us financial aid

08-09-2012 02:12 AM

London: Mustafa Siri

Called the Republic of South Sudan, the international community to provide financial assistance, to fill the financial gap large arising from the disruption of oil until the return of pumped again, and announced Juba that the oil will be pumped in September next, and is expected to reach the rate of production full within a year.

The Deputy President of South Sudan, Riek Machar, said the agreement that was reached because of the pressure exerted by the international community has left, unfortunately, there is a huge gap from oil revenues, and added that the agreement forced the new state to become the largest donors to the face of the earth to one country is Sudan , but he returned and said: «not to be of the Agreement, and southern Sudan is ready to buy peace and earn Khartoum to become a good neighbor», adding that his country will lose 17 per cent of the total oil revenue over three years and a half when you send more than $ 3 billion in aid to Khartoum , according to the agreement signed between the two sides finally, pointing out that Juba will also lose billion is in arrears when exported oil through the Sudan, and said that the period between the ninth of July 2011, the year of the independence of the state, to January (January) the past, which stopped the flow of oil, the country lost one billion dollars, and added: «But Khartoum has been exempted from payment of that amount in the settlement that was, but we will pay money to help it improve its economy».

Machar said that the international community to provide aid to the newly independent State financing of major development projects, and the Juba has announced that it would resume oil production in September, after having reached a tentative agreement with Khartoum on the oil export duty, said that the return to power full production may take a year.

The chief negotiator of the Republic of South Sudan in talks with Sudan's Pagan Amum: «We expect to start production on the spot in September, especially the production of a mixture of Upper Nile House». He added: «Of course we expect to strengthen the capacity of production over time, this would not be automatic, it will take time to open well after the other». He explained: «will start production by about 150 thousand barrels per day, and within three or four months will rise to 180 thousand to 190 thousand, and then to the previous level, and perhaps exceed in a year».

And turn south Sudan's oil production last January after disagreements with Sudan in a transit fee through the north to the oil export ports.

Middle East

Please donnate for refgees of the Blue Nile Province :-

IBAN IT 25 E 36000 03200 0CA005733249
blue nile province refgees.....................

mercoledì 8 agosto 2012


Please donate for the people of the Blue Nile province in Sudan

IT 25 E 36000 03200 0CA 005733249

We are trying to send medicine  and tents to the camps of the refgees in Ethiopia.

lunedì 6 agosto 2012

Isolare Abdelwahid not a solution.

Leadership Abdul Wahid close to moving to impeach him once and for all faction
08-05-2012 01:50 PM
Decided to group the leaders of a faction of Abdel Wahid Mohammed Nur isolate the latter from the presidency after the final faction that recently issued guidance to the implementation of a number of assassinations of leaders, because they violated his orders and accusing others of whom delinquency of peace.
A source Balvesel preferred anonymity told the «S EMC» The leaders close to Abdul Wahid and reliable in carrying out all his plans decided to eliminate it by isolating and blocking control even on the groups Mini-aligned his Jebel Marra, pointing out that it did not stand when insulation only, but some thought leaders in the revenge of Abdul Wahid at his residence Beognda because of antagonism to citizens and repeated his attacks on them unduly.

Leadership Abdul Wahid vicino a muoversi per mettere sotto accusa una volta per tutte le fazioni

2012/08/05 13:50
Ha deciso di raggruppare i leaders di una fazione di Nur Abdel Wahid Mohammed isolare quest'ultimo dalla presidenza dopo la fazione finale che ha recentemente pubblicato una guida per l'attuazione di una serie di assassinii di leader, perché hanno violato i suoi ordini e altri accusatori di cui la delinquenza di pace.
A Balvesel anonimato fonte preferita ha detto al «S EMC» I leader vicino a Abdul Wahid e affidabile nella realizzazione tutti i suoi piani ha deciso di eliminarlo, isolando e bloccando controllo anche sui gruppi di Mini-allineato la sua Jebel Marra, sottolineando che essa non resistono quando l'isolamento solo, ma alcuni leader di pensiero nel vendetta di Abdul Wahid al suo Beognda residenza a causa di antagonismo ai cittadini e ai suoi ripetuti attacchi contro di loro indebitamente.

giovedì 2 agosto 2012

Freedom for the Sudanese people.

Activists: Sudanese woman jailed with her baby face a judgment of adultery by stoning peer

08-02-2012 03:07 AM
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - The activists said on Wednesday that the Sudanese woman accused of adultery sentenced to be stoned to death with her baby who is six months in prison and accompanied by a rule in the second of its kind in the past few months in this country.

He said President Omar Hassan al-Bashir last month that Sudan will adopt an Islamic constitution, "100 percent", prompting concern that the country will apply the provisions of the law strictly after the secession of southern Sudan since the non-Muslim.

She said human rights activist Fahima Hashim, which tracks the issue of Laila Ibrahim Issa Gajmoula and other issues similar to a court in the capital Khartoum issued on the tenth of July, ruling that the Gajmoula of 23-year-old to death by stoning for adultery.

The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa, an organization concerned with women's rights that it cost the lawyers have appealed against the conviction and sentence. The husband had accused her of adultery Gajmoula.

The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa in a statement: "It is understood that the petition will take a period of not less than one month and a half months before getting a response from the Court of Appeal. During all this time will remain Ms. Gajmoula in the women's prison in Omdurman (near Khartoum) with her baby's the age of six months. "

The organization said that the child was in poor health, without giving further details.

Officials were not available in the Ministries of Justice and the media Alsudanatin for comment.

And Amnesty International said that the conviction did not meet international legal standards and also violate the criminal law in Sudan.

Amnesty said in a statement: "... was sentenced to stoning convicted after an unfair trial in which only on the basis of recognition has not been allowed access to a lawyer."

In April a court sentenced a Sudanese counterpart adultery by stoning of the victory of Sharif Abdullah, which activists said they were in their twenties.

Said Amnesty International activists and he was released on the third of July after her lawyers succeeded in an appeal because it was deprived of counsel at trial.

And the skin is common in Sudan punishment for crimes such as alcohol and adultery. But the provisions of stoning were rare.

After the coup of 1989 feet Sudan sharia laws taken as a major source country and hosted the Islamist militants, including Osama bin Laden.

While the government has sought since then to improve its image at the international level that has distanced itself from radical Islamists, but it is still one of the few countries that use the stoning to death in their laws.

In 2010, raised the issue of Lubna Hussein, a Sudanese official UN international outrage when he sentenced to flogging for wearing pants. And challenged the verdict before the court imposed a fine instead of the flogging.

Freedom for Sudan and Sudanese.

Sudanese Communist Party: Lead claiming the lives of the people in Nyala

08-02-2012 02:24 AM
Bullets kill the people in Nyala:

Despite the lies the power of corruption and tyranny, about ensuring the right of expression and protest demonstrations on the price increases, but they continue to excessive repression of the demonstrations in various forms, including rubber bullets and tear gas canisters and militias armed with machetes National Congress.

And the events of Nyala Balthelathae 31/7/2012, new evidence on the persistence of corruption and tyranny authority chairs the judgment. Has proceeded in defense of their survival in power, claimed the lives of the people in Nyala, the living dead.

What happened that day was to rise up the masses of Nyala in mass demonstrations since the early morning until the evening. The immediate cause of this gift is a loose mass prices, and lack of essential goods, especially after the outcome of an important exchange of fuels and some food supplies to the security apparatus.

The oldest security apparatus on the launch of live bullets on demonstrators, killing 8 of them, including: - Hadi Hassan, who was killed was shot. As has been mass arrests and received the following names, including:

1. On the good 2. Abdul Latif Adam 3. By Allah, Mohammad is 4. Abdullah Eve 5. Ibrahim Mohammad Abdel Qader
And students

1. Mohammed, who earlier was shot 17-year high school student
2. Samani al-Hassan
3. Jamal Ibrahim 17 years old student
4. Mujahid Mohammed 18 years old student
5. Muhammad Ali 16 years old student
6. Noureddine Gedo 17 years old student

The firing of live ammunition at peaceful demonstrations is a war crime and a crime against humanity in the light of the UN conventions and charters of human rights. Thus, the power of tyranny continues its crimes in the squad claimed the lives of citizens practiced many times before in Kajbar and Port Sudan, Soba, and others.

Currently, there is motivation and anger among the citizens, making an explosion demonstrations in Nyala again is improbable, so we demand immediate response to the demands of the people in Nyala, the suppression of excessive will not silence our voice in Nyala.

We are in the Communist Party hold the government fully responsible for this heinous crime, and we demand an immediate investigation of the independent crimes of murder in the right of citizens and retribution from the killers. We also demand the release of detainees or bring them to fair trials.

Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Sudan
August 1, 2012

lunedì 30 luglio 2012

solders of Bashir kill agaian my people of Blue Nile province.

07-31-2012 08:08 AM
KHARTOUM (AFP) - Three civilians were killed in air strikes, launched by the Sudanese army in Blue Nile State (South East), which is witnessing an armed rebellion against the Khartoum authorities, according to the rebels said yesterday. Said Arno Ngotolo Lodi spokesman for the "Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan - Northern Sector," The air strikes targeted the Friday and Saturday in several villages of the Blue Nile, and killing three civilians and wounding twenty others.

The Sudanese army could not be contacted to comment on this information that are difficult to verify independently. The raids come a few days before the deadline given by the United Nations for Sudan and South Sudan to settle their differences. Juba and Khartoum accuses of backing the rebels insurgents in the states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan Mahavetin for South Sudan. Since the declaration of independence of South Sudan in July 2011, Khartoum is seeking to assert control over the Blue Nile and South Kordofan. According to the United Nations, about 105 thousand Sudanese Blue Nile, and 45 thousand of South Kordofan, fled to southern Sudan, to escape the violence and food shortages.