Japan Assists Education in Kassala and White Nile States
"Japan assistance to Sudan is not a charity, we look at this assistance as our contribution to attain Japan and Sudan shared aims in peace, stability and development in Sudan as well as Africa as a whole", Japanese Ambassador.
The Government of Japan has decided to contribute US$25.2 million to the United Nations and other international organizations to support vulnerable people and flood victims in Sudan. This contribution is part of Japan's additional funding in April, 2013-March, 2014 for the execution of projects of humanitarian assistance for African countries, wherein the amount allocated to Sudan is the third largest after Somalia and Mali. Japan is also committed to make utmost efforts to secure the transparency; effectiveness and efficiency of these projects in collaboration with the UN and International Organizations.
It should be noted that Japan has donated US$ 7.8 million to the UNHCR and US$ 4.4 million to UNICEF among many other institutions.
Japan announced a generous support to education in the states of Kassala and White Nile totaling US $ 441,133 and the grants signing ceremony was held on 24 Feb., 2014 at the Japanese's Ambassador's residence.
The ceremony was first addressed by the Japanese Ambassador in Sudan Ryoichi Horie who pointed out that these two grants come within the Civil Human Security Project.
Adding that, "Japan Embassy places great importance on supporting primary education in Sudan and the official launch of two projects today is clear indication of this approach because basic education develop children personality at a critical stage of their physical, emotional and social growth", said the Japanese Ambassador in his opening address in the ceremony. Adding that, "I believe that the education sector is of vital importance for countries in the provision of the necessary human resources essential for development in addition it provide people with the needed skills and knowledge that enable them to be capable and active in the society". The Japanese Ambassador affirmed that Japan as friend and equal partner of Sudan is committed to assist in the development of Sudan and will continue to support the efforts of those facing the many challenges in the country because we believe that peace, stability and development in Sudan will contribute in the achievement of peace and stability in Africa and the world.
The Ambassador went further to state that Japan commitment to development in Sudan is demonstrated by the execution of a number of development projects including our assistance to strengthen human resources vide skills and knowledge to administrate water and agriculture in Kassala and White Nile States. The Civil Human Security Projects are another mean to provide our assistance in a flexible way and at the appropriate time to those who need our assistance specially those who cannot be reached by the large projects like the two projects we are signing today. Through these projects we are giving assistance to the small rural communities in response to their special needs like today two project which respond to their educational needs and promote the educational environment in their societies and areas.
The Civil Human Security Projects known as GGP received more than 100 application for the construction of schools in Sudan presented by national and international organizations as well as from national civil society organizations.
"Japan assistance to Sudan is not a charity, we look at this assistance as our contribution to attain Japan and Sudan shared aims in peace, stability and development in Sudan as well as Africa as a whole, and this why the Japanese tax payers support Sudan to achieve this aim. The Non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations that request Japanese assistance must demonstrate their commitment to development in Sudan and for the successful implementation of projects. These are our basic conditions to approve submitted applications for this year in addition to the feasibility study presented and the past experience and performance of the concerned organizations". He said, "I hope that the two organization awarded assistance today will implement the designed schools projects in a manner that will be beneficial to the rural societies now and in the coming decades", said Japanese Ambassador. He concluded that, Japan and Sudan have been enjoying friendly and cooperative relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1956 and Japan intends to assist the most vulnerable people and hopes that its support will contribute to the welfare of the Sudanese people as well as the economic and social development of Sudan.
White Nile State
"This is not our first cooperation with the Japanese Embassy in a project to promote basic education in the rural areas and communities and would like to highly commend Japan support in this", said Nidaa Civil Society Organization (NGO) Director Medani Abbas Medani. Nidaa was awarded a grant of US $ 230,000 for the construction of s primary school in Al-Nizaiha Village, Gitaina Locality in the White Nile State. Alnazaiaha Primary School is a small school; with no buildings of its own, lessons and classes take place in the local khalwa. While the school has made great progress in reducing the illiteracy rate in the area; giving the school greater resources and providing a more suitable learning environment for its students, will no doubt have a significant positive impact. The project seeks to promote education for seven villages in Al-Gitaina Locality by constructing 10 classrooms, offices and other buildings at a cost exceeding USD 230,000. This will enhance the learning environment for over 370 students currently enrolled, which will in turn boost enrollment and lower dropout rates, giving the local community and their children better prospects for the future.
Also, Medani pointed to that Nidaa focus on the promotion of basic education as the driving force of development in the framework of the organization commitment to MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) which have focused strongly on education and especially basic education. Good quality basic education provides the human capital for development in Sudan which is rich in natural resources but needs the human capital. "So, that we can move from under-development to sustainable development but again we stress that this will need the promotion of education and basic education in particular. This needs the construction of more schools, the promotion of existing ones and as well the promotion the existing school environment ", stressed Nidaa Director. He concluded by highly commanding the efforts of the local communities and the localities and promised to execute the project efficiently and at the fixed time. It is worth mentioning that Nidaa NOG have executed similar projects in basic education in Gedarif State.
Kassala State
The other NGO awarded a grant was Plan International Sudan for a project for the construction of two primary schools in Al-Khatmia, Kassala City, in Kassala State. The grant which exceeds USD 209,000 target two schools, one boys and one girl school ,with the aim of improving the educational environment for over 1080 students, by constructing eight classrooms, four offices ,other buildings and a water line to Kassala's main water network. The grant will also coincide with an initiative by Plan Sudan to train 80 local teachers in order to improve their ability to provide education.
On this occasion, Plan International-Sudan Country Director Manoj Kumar said that: "with the project grant that is awarded to Plan Sudan by Japan Embassy, will result in better access and safe learning environment for more than 1000 children in addition to other benefits to children and teachers". Adding that there are 457 children in Plan programme in Sudan who sponsored by Japanese citizens and sponsors. Plan Director also said that; "We commend Japan Embassy for their approach to ensure sustainability and high degree of accountability in the project supported by the Japan Embassy. Plan will look forward to further strengthen collaboration with Japan Embassy to make positive changes in the lives of many more vulnerable children, women and communities". Manoj Also thanked the Government of Sudan for all their support to Plan Sudan," without which we would have not been able to achieve the changes that we have created in the lives of vulnerable children, women and communities". Adding that, "We are also proud of our local CBOs (community based organizations) and NGOs partners as well as Plan Sudan's staff who have been instrumental in achieving our objectives".
Many distinguished guests addressed the ceremony including White Nile Minister of Education, the reputable diplomat Ambassador Idris Abdel Gadir, the Commissioner of Kassala Locality and the Director of NGOs in the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) who all have highly commended the valuable assistances that Japan have been awarding to Sudan and at the same the style of equal partnership and non-interference in the country internal affairs.
The Kassala Locality Commissioner Hassan Sharif said in this occasion that Japan vide its international development agency JICA have implemented many development projects in Kassala State including 4 water stations and as also Japan support to the State have been demonstrated by the three visits paid by Japanese Ambassador to the State.
The Government of Japan has decided to contribute US$25.2 million to the United Nations and other international organizations to support vulnerable people and flood victims in Sudan. This contribution is part of Japan's additional funding in April, 2013-March, 2014 for the execution of projects of humanitarian assistance for African countries, wherein the amount allocated to Sudan is the third largest after Somalia and Mali. Japan is also committed to make utmost efforts to secure the transparency; effectiveness and efficiency of these projects in collaboration with the UN and International Organizations.
It should be noted that Japan has donated US$ 7.8 million to the UNHCR and US$ 4.4 million to UNICEF among many other institutions.
Japan announced a generous support to education in the states of Kassala and White Nile totaling US $ 441,133 and the grants signing ceremony was held on 24 Feb., 2014 at the Japanese's Ambassador's residence.
The ceremony was first addressed by the Japanese Ambassador in Sudan Ryoichi Horie who pointed out that these two grants come within the Civil Human Security Project.
Adding that, "Japan Embassy places great importance on supporting primary education in Sudan and the official launch of two projects today is clear indication of this approach because basic education develop children personality at a critical stage of their physical, emotional and social growth", said the Japanese Ambassador in his opening address in the ceremony. Adding that, "I believe that the education sector is of vital importance for countries in the provision of the necessary human resources essential for development in addition it provide people with the needed skills and knowledge that enable them to be capable and active in the society". The Japanese Ambassador affirmed that Japan as friend and equal partner of Sudan is committed to assist in the development of Sudan and will continue to support the efforts of those facing the many challenges in the country because we believe that peace, stability and development in Sudan will contribute in the achievement of peace and stability in Africa and the world.
The Ambassador went further to state that Japan commitment to development in Sudan is demonstrated by the execution of a number of development projects including our assistance to strengthen human resources vide skills and knowledge to administrate water and agriculture in Kassala and White Nile States. The Civil Human Security Projects are another mean to provide our assistance in a flexible way and at the appropriate time to those who need our assistance specially those who cannot be reached by the large projects like the two projects we are signing today. Through these projects we are giving assistance to the small rural communities in response to their special needs like today two project which respond to their educational needs and promote the educational environment in their societies and areas.
The Civil Human Security Projects known as GGP received more than 100 application for the construction of schools in Sudan presented by national and international organizations as well as from national civil society organizations.
"Japan assistance to Sudan is not a charity, we look at this assistance as our contribution to attain Japan and Sudan shared aims in peace, stability and development in Sudan as well as Africa as a whole, and this why the Japanese tax payers support Sudan to achieve this aim. The Non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations that request Japanese assistance must demonstrate their commitment to development in Sudan and for the successful implementation of projects. These are our basic conditions to approve submitted applications for this year in addition to the feasibility study presented and the past experience and performance of the concerned organizations". He said, "I hope that the two organization awarded assistance today will implement the designed schools projects in a manner that will be beneficial to the rural societies now and in the coming decades", said Japanese Ambassador. He concluded that, Japan and Sudan have been enjoying friendly and cooperative relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1956 and Japan intends to assist the most vulnerable people and hopes that its support will contribute to the welfare of the Sudanese people as well as the economic and social development of Sudan.
White Nile State
"This is not our first cooperation with the Japanese Embassy in a project to promote basic education in the rural areas and communities and would like to highly commend Japan support in this", said Nidaa Civil Society Organization (NGO) Director Medani Abbas Medani. Nidaa was awarded a grant of US $ 230,000 for the construction of s primary school in Al-Nizaiha Village, Gitaina Locality in the White Nile State. Alnazaiaha Primary School is a small school; with no buildings of its own, lessons and classes take place in the local khalwa. While the school has made great progress in reducing the illiteracy rate in the area; giving the school greater resources and providing a more suitable learning environment for its students, will no doubt have a significant positive impact. The project seeks to promote education for seven villages in Al-Gitaina Locality by constructing 10 classrooms, offices and other buildings at a cost exceeding USD 230,000. This will enhance the learning environment for over 370 students currently enrolled, which will in turn boost enrollment and lower dropout rates, giving the local community and their children better prospects for the future.
Also, Medani pointed to that Nidaa focus on the promotion of basic education as the driving force of development in the framework of the organization commitment to MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) which have focused strongly on education and especially basic education. Good quality basic education provides the human capital for development in Sudan which is rich in natural resources but needs the human capital. "So, that we can move from under-development to sustainable development but again we stress that this will need the promotion of education and basic education in particular. This needs the construction of more schools, the promotion of existing ones and as well the promotion the existing school environment ", stressed Nidaa Director. He concluded by highly commanding the efforts of the local communities and the localities and promised to execute the project efficiently and at the fixed time. It is worth mentioning that Nidaa NOG have executed similar projects in basic education in Gedarif State.
Kassala State
The other NGO awarded a grant was Plan International Sudan for a project for the construction of two primary schools in Al-Khatmia, Kassala City, in Kassala State. The grant which exceeds USD 209,000 target two schools, one boys and one girl school ,with the aim of improving the educational environment for over 1080 students, by constructing eight classrooms, four offices ,other buildings and a water line to Kassala's main water network. The grant will also coincide with an initiative by Plan Sudan to train 80 local teachers in order to improve their ability to provide education.
On this occasion, Plan International-Sudan Country Director Manoj Kumar said that: "with the project grant that is awarded to Plan Sudan by Japan Embassy, will result in better access and safe learning environment for more than 1000 children in addition to other benefits to children and teachers". Adding that there are 457 children in Plan programme in Sudan who sponsored by Japanese citizens and sponsors. Plan Director also said that; "We commend Japan Embassy for their approach to ensure sustainability and high degree of accountability in the project supported by the Japan Embassy. Plan will look forward to further strengthen collaboration with Japan Embassy to make positive changes in the lives of many more vulnerable children, women and communities". Manoj Also thanked the Government of Sudan for all their support to Plan Sudan," without which we would have not been able to achieve the changes that we have created in the lives of vulnerable children, women and communities". Adding that, "We are also proud of our local CBOs (community based organizations) and NGOs partners as well as Plan Sudan's staff who have been instrumental in achieving our objectives".
Many distinguished guests addressed the ceremony including White Nile Minister of Education, the reputable diplomat Ambassador Idris Abdel Gadir, the Commissioner of Kassala Locality and the Director of NGOs in the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) who all have highly commended the valuable assistances that Japan have been awarding to Sudan and at the same the style of equal partnership and non-interference in the country internal affairs.
The Kassala Locality Commissioner Hassan Sharif said in this occasion that Japan vide its international development agency JICA have implemented many development projects in Kassala State including 4 water stations and as also Japan support to the State have been demonstrated by the three visits paid by Japanese Ambassador to the State.
By Alula Berhe Kidani, 1 day 15 hours ago