venerdì 18 gennaio 2013

What if the war against Somaliazation vogue Afghanization?

What if the war against Somaliazation vogue Afghanization? French aircraft moved to declare the beginning of the war in Mali do not know when the end to why Stúl. So moved by the years of the military machine of NATO-led Washington hitting in Afghanistan and in Iraq, plunging the country into chaos cancerous wounded Afghans and Iraqis. Then admitted Alotalcin about failure and inquiries ways the exit. Parisian novel official talking about logistical support to the Government of Mali, and air military intervention forces in favor of Bamako, and Barre to supplement air operations "turned into a ground war", and the process is limited in duration waiting for the intervention of the African forces. The goal: to help finance the removal of the "Al Qaeda" and Islamist jihadists from the capital of their country, and seek to expel them, if possible, outside the border, "observed the evolution of the stated objectives with the development of the battles on the ground." But why Paris rushed to intervene quickly? Why did not wait for France's military intervention promised to African countries? Field talked about the arguments made dangerous Islamists around the capital, Bamako, in a manner threatening to end state of Mali and convert them to the land of chaos only matched by those in Somalia. Mali's army suffers from structural weaknesses historic, and erosion of structural since the coup Captain Sanogu "March / March", which is unable to withstand the blows jihadists coming from all sides, inside and behind the border, and who seek to accelerate the fait accompli field behind the dust is one of the preparations to send African troops. France formally move at the request of the Government of Mali and other African countries. So explain French President Francois Hollande decision. Paris in her choice based on an earlier decision issued by the Security Council on the situation in Mali "Resolution No. 2085, issued last month." And initiate France through its intervention "to prevent the emergence of a terrorist state on the doors of Europe." Thus summarizes French Defence Minister also incentives the government of his country. In explanation what portend that France is moving on behalf of the European Union "and the world", so come support the UN Security Council to be added to the logistical support and intelligence declared European countries "despite warnings Askarao London government of involvement in Mali" and support the United States, and meet with support Gulf Arab foreign minister revealed Paris with him, in a manner that emphasized the international consensus on the French performance. France holds resolve matters militarily because they represent a history of relations with this region since the time of the colonial era, but they have economic interests vital in West Africa, especially those most strategy in Niger, where she runs the company Areva French mines uranium supply nuclear reactors French generating electricity Butlt needs. France holds the "financial order" on behalf of the international community as the only one that owns, among major countries, military bases and formations in the region ready to intervene urgently and quickly. But African military action - International in Mali was not French Walid hour. If the north of the country is unacceptable and can not be tolerated, not by the regime in Bamako, but by neighboring countries and the international community. Fasttbab command of the jihadists will establish a major base for al-Qaeda and sisters in a manner threatening the security of Africa and international security alike. Exceeded demand creates conflict independent Ozoada entity has long aspired to Tuareg currents, and prevailed field Jihadist movements overthrew movements local Alozoadah and adopted the Mujahideen importers from outside the border to change the terms of regional and international game. And the history of the conflict dates back to more than nine months ago when seized Tuareg-led "National Movement for the Liberation of Ozoad" separatism on the north of the country in alliance with the "Ansar al-Din" Islamic. Tuareg then benefited from the chaos of the war in Libya, and returned to their countries of Niger and Mali on board military vehicles armed with including Gnmoh weapons through their involvement in the forces of Gaddafi. Was allied to defeat the army of financial and expelled from the North to come to the military coup in the capital, Bamako, "March 22 /" against President Amadou Toumani Toure and give the rebels more strength and stability, against the erosion of Conin political and military financial deductible. But the separatist National Alliance and the Islamic Jihad did not last long. Was fighting led to the control of "Ansar al-Din" and its allies on all regions of the north of the country. And "Community", "founded by former military and diplomatic Iyad Ag Ghali" Toariqah textile unlike other groups active Arabs in its ranks. I was able to "supporters of religion" to extend its control fully the ancient city of Timbuktu, northwest Mali, which became famous after its demolition of Sufi shrines and religious shrines "listed by the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1988." The group allied with the "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb", led by Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, "sources indicate that the elements in the ranks of the" Ansar al-Din, "or the movement of" Tawhid and Jihad "are not in the end only the ex-combatants" Al-Qaeda "." And other jihadist organizations active such as "Tawhid and Jihad movement in West Africa", a movement emerging from the "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb" and is led by Mohammed born Nwimmer, and most elements of the Arabs. The battalion "Supporters of Sharia" which was founded by Amar Ould protected it after leaving directly from the aforementioned group. The battalion "undersigned blood" led by Algerian Khaled Abu al-Abbas, "Mokhtar Belmokhtar" He was newly formed after removal from the leadership, "battalion masked" by the "Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb." International diplomacy has sought to alternatives through diplomatic talks with local forces in order to keep it away from jihadists options. Endeavor باركته the United States and sought countries Kporkina Faso, Mauritania and Algeria. Francois Hollande has heard during his visit to Algeria late last year, talk about the progress of the Algerian efforts in this regard. Perhaps these endeavors is what prompted the Islamists to speed up their attacks to abort all plans that desire to undermine the role and status and what they have achieved in northern Mali since last winter. Algeria, a country that is not likely by virtue of his experience the evolution of an Islamic state on its borders, "the latest attack the eye Omnas oil facility", he realized the gravity of the crisis and sought to contain them. Algeria was based on its historical ties with the Tuareg, and worked on the management talks between the forces of the conflict with a view to reaching outlet is international military intervention Cup Murr. However, the dramatic developments in the field, and alert the Islamists to international mobility around them, overthrew the endeavors of Algeria Vastdm ambitious theoretical practical realities on the ground. That the leaks in the press Algeria resentment of the French intervention heavy on the memory of Algerians, contrasted with the official position of the new "issued by the Algerian Foreign Ministry," which regarded the French intervention "sovereign decision financially," took place at the formal request of the authorities in Bamako. Algeria swallowed bitter cup and went further by opening airspace in front of the French aircraft to cross to bomb sites in Mali, with the Al-Watan newspaper going to reveal the Algerian Algerian forces might join the French military effort - to expel African Islamists of northern Mali. It then reached the point of no return in a manner carries Algeria as other African countries, not only to welcome Baskarah approach French, but the rush to enroll them and expedite sending troops already agreed upon, "the G-West Africa was approved at the end of an extraordinary summit in November in Abuja Send an international military force of 3,300 troops to Mali for a year. " In other words, the French alone Scalpel Africans finally persuaded the world to deal seriously with the financial tumor. Repeats Francois Hollande in Mali leftist behavior of his predecessor, the right-wing Nicolas Sarkozy in Libya to involve his country in a conflict outside the borders. In addition to the direct causes, you need Paris to confirm affiliation Permanent club major countries and what this means of marketing for its economic and vogue industries military and restore a central role in international politics, "noted visit Holland to Abu Dhabi and hopes Announcing the launch of a new peace initiative immediately after the Israeli elections." But France in pursuit of this risk seriously endangering internal security of major setbacks as a result of war in Mali "Islamists Mali and promised retaliation against France" attacking Islam "." The Islamists as threaten cold saa against France's interests inside and outside the country, the Paris take those threats seriously, that France is the most Western countries friction with Islam and Muslims, and therefore more a clash with Islam and Muslims extremists. French President announced in Abu Dhabi that his country does not intend to stay in Mali and that soldiers would leave the place while stop attacks and Atamn stability and democratic political process to proceed. Having appeared that the accounts field harshest and most difficult of accounts politicians and fork Islamists harder than breaking process Parisian clean and fast, the fears have grown in the past few days that lead the ongoing process to thwart Somalization new being formed in Africa to the birth of a new Afghanistan at the gates of Europe!

mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

L'inviato Usa invita i leader del movimento popolare a Washington.

L'inviato Usa invita i leader del movimento popolare a Washington 2013/01/16 04:21 Khartoum: - Londra: Mustafa Sri Princeton Lyman Faccia inviato degli Stati Uniti in Sudan e Sud Sudan invito ai leader del movimento popolare - il settore nord - a partecipare alle riunioni a Washington, secondo il Sudan News Agency ufficiale SUNA ieri. Poiché l'Ufficio di Ambasciatore Lyman agevolare le procedure per ottenere i visti per ciascuno dei Yasir Arman e padrone di casa e Hashim أورطة e Philip Nero, dove ha iniziato il programma di visita di ieri e continuerà, che si terrà il Mercoledì e Giovedi, rispettivamente, e il programma comprende un sacco di riunioni, tra cui una funzionari riunione di sicurezza nazionale degli Stati Uniti. Sono stati segnalati padrone di casa l'ambasciatore Lyman che lui e Yasser Arman non sarà in grado di partecipare al rapporto di tempo per alcuni sviluppi implicanti بقاءهما, e Trajat ritardare l'avvio del programma per un giorno è stato approvato l'ambasciatore Lyman per iniziare le audizioni inizio Mercoledì invece di Martedì. medio Oriente

martedì 15 gennaio 2013

Bashir's regime agrees to dialogue with the SPLM fighters - Northern Sector!!!

Bashir's regime agrees to dialogue with the SPLM fighters - Northern Sector 01-15-2013 08:27 AM Sudanese Foreign Ministry confirmed that the Khartoum government does not reject the direct dialogue with the SPLM - the north sector - if agreement was reached on disengage from the State of South Sudan. The slaves Marawah Foreign Ministry spokesman Sudanese «Middle East» The meetings Joint Security Committee with the State of South Sudan, which began yesterday under the chairmanship of defense ministers two countries in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa will discuss the issue of the establishment of the buffer zone demilitarized within the international borders of the two countries in depth (10) kilometers, and (40) kilometers and beyond. The force commander of the United Nations Interim security in Abyei «Aonesfa» conceivable sectors will be divided by the border area (2000) kilometers, and the headquarters of the units, the composition of forces, and the movement of aircraft control mechanisms, for adoption because it negotiated in advance. The Committee discusses procedures 'disengagement' between the SPLM north in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile State of South Sudan. The Marawah to negotiate a disengagement could lead to direct dialogue with «Northern Sector» in the popular movement, and African mediation working on this, with the state of Ethiopia, and that the Sudanese government does not refuse to negotiate directly with the people of the two regions, and they want to access the conviction they are not part of the army of another country, and they are reluctant to reach this solution, even if brokered by regional African Union mediation or neighbors (Ethiopia). The government in Khartoum by Foreign Ministry spokesman in the two combatants weapon for Army South, and in the case of abandonment of the Government of Southern Sudan with him, will take the initiative to collect and redistribute it, and the regularization of the sons of the two fighters militarily and politically. Marawah added that the Sudanese side would Committee meetings and documents showing how to deal with the people of the south who were part of the Sudanese armed forces and other regular forces, and the south side will be asked to do the same act regarding Balsodanyen who work in the regular forces in southern Sudan. He said: «disengagement» includes sons regions «Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile» who sees Sudan they are still part of the south Sudan army, despite described for «disengagement» Palmakd, and it contains technical aspects and military-related agreement security arrangements site since 2005, and political aspects linked to the future of the people of the region, and how to accommodate them in the armed forces or other regular forces, and how to allow those who wanted them for political action. Marawah promised implementation arrangements proposed demilitarized zone, making it the forbidden zone to employees Almardtin in both countries, and suffocates them, so as to reach a compromise, and what is left is just 'matter of time'. Marawah added that what is being discussed is the integrated file for a settlement, entitled 'disengagement', and they have reservations even on the name of the People's Movement, saying: «SPLM north, northern Why ..?! For us this is no longer the north, this is the South Sudan in its new form, and say the north sector, means that you are talking about another part of the state. And detect the presence of what he called «political will» to varying degrees on both sides to resolve this issue as a major reason for the volatility of trust between the two countries, and stumbled back their relationship to develop naturally full, and the two countries and the people of the two regions do not have an interest in not having access to a solution. Middle East

martedì 8 gennaio 2013

An Idea.

Mio pensiero su Governo Bashir

Se ci sono saggi per avrebbe dovuto essere, anche in termini di sistema di interesse non è, che esclude i leader sani e altre agenzie di sicurezza, soprattutto dopo che i disastri proliferarono che hanno causato il sistema, che vanno da violazioni flagranti e più diritti human offuscato l'immagine del sistema, attraverso la di provocare lo scoppio del conflitto armato e la mancata deduzione e di contenimento, ma dovrebbe essere punito due volte, una volta per i loro crimini e di nuovo a minacciare la sicurezza del sistema. Ma è successo il contrario, perché questo sistema di sicurezza rapito gruppo, infatti, è diventato il ministro più influente e lo stato sono ex agenti di sicurezza fedeli al Nafi prima di chiunque altro. Come in Siria del rapimento dello stato e del partito della famiglia Assad e Khalsae sua comunità, la 'comunità di sicurezza' in Sudan rapito lo Stato e il partito e il regime, e divenne presi dallo scudo stato forato la sua responsabilità, e un Hluba mucca rappresentavano frutta e animali trasmesse le conseguenze di errori e omissioni.
Tornando a recenti dichiarazioni Nafi, queste dichiarazioni, se Sedknaha rappresentano una nuova condanna del funzionario politico e di sicurezza primo interno nel sistema. Secondo Nafie, i golpisti avevano contattato ogni partiti di opposizione sudanesi, di intelligence e di tutto il mondo, e disse loro il loro piano di colpo di stato e ora zero e il programma politico del colpo di stato. Nonostante tutte queste comunicazioni, pur consapevoli di tutte le forze di opposizione lo zero radio dice Nafi, i servizi di sicurezza che sono controllate da, e la festa che ha portato i due erano come, l'ultimo a saperlo. Eventuali dispositivi di sicurezza in modo tale che incontrare molti membri dal di dentro e dal di dentro l'esercito, e obbedire e consultare per mesi, se non anni, e condividere note, e comunicare con tutti l'orso dentro e fuori del paese, senza che i servizi di sicurezza, che consuma la metà del bilancio dello Stato, il più basso consapevoli di ciò che all'interno delle porte principali e gli ufficiali di pianificazione uffici?
Alice più debole della fede in questo caso le dimissioni leader dei partiti sani e senior e lo stato e la sicurezza (e non la fede, potremmo dire che essi hanno di suicidarsi, o cercare il martirio si infrangono sulla Ohaloha molti campi di battaglia e inviato agli altri figli, mentre hanno mandato i loro figli a scuole private e le università straniere e speso generosamente scandaloso e osceno sulle loro cerimonie di matrimonio in un paese in cui non riesce a trovare i professori universitari, ufficiali militari e medici, così come gli eserciti di giovani disoccupati, da vivere)? Quando queste persone sono responsabili per qualsiasi cosa? Resurrezione Oyum, ha avvicinato il tempo e si avvicinò alle persone di lavoratori autonomi?

sabato 5 gennaio 2013

Happy Birthday Matt.

It is one year now how time passed I had never seen you I will be there to visit you and will explain in my one language of eyes to tell you sorry you will understand it Matt have a nice birthday.......................grand dad